EM Summary


Jason Marcus

I am a marketing major with a certificate in entrepreneurship persuing my Emerging Media Masters. When I first came to UGA I was not sure what major to choose and did not have a future career path already in mind. I began my college career as a real estate major, but later switched to marketing. I found this change to be one of the most important decisions I had made up to that point. Though I was doing well in my classes and did not dislike the material I was learning, I quickly discovered that it was not a career path I wanted to persue. As I began taking more marketing classes, I discovered that I had a real eye for design. This prompted me to teach myself how to use photoshop, and I began to spend my free time tinkering with and designing on the software. I realized that when I dove into this kind of work time flew. I would become so invested in whatever project I was working on that suddenly I would look up and 4 hours had gone by. As my junior year of school wrapped up, I started to do some searching to see if I could use my newfound passion in a way that would allow me to coninue my education. I came accross the EM program and immediatley knew it was the opportunity for me. Since then I have begun my journey towards graduate school, and completed New Media Web Development (NMIX 6010).

Jason Marcus

Course Summaries

NMIX 6010

Web Development Fall 2022. Introduction to HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript

Fall 2022

New Media Web Development (NMIX 6010)

Course Description

This class provides a practical introduction to front-end web development, designed for students with no previous development experience. Students will leave this class with a greater understanding of how to use the Internet effectively, and an emergent set of skills that can be applied and enhanced in a variety of future settings.


Course Summary

NMIX 6010 exposed me to coding for the very first time. What I originally thought was going to be a daunting task, ended up becoming a really enjoyable process for me. It was not always easy, but I am proud to say that I have now gained my bearings in the worlds of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I created multiple websites that I can look back on and be proud of. I know that my abilities will continue to develop in the EM program, and I am looking forward to continuing to apply myself to learning how to code.


Featured Projects



Project 1

Our first project in NMIX 6010 was to create an Artisanal hand-crafted small-batch locally-sourced bespoke website. This project was designed to test out all the HTML and CSS we had learned thus far. The project required:

  • • Semantic Elements (such as main, nav, header, section, etc.)
  • • In each page, must define at least one element with an id and at least one more with a class.
  • • At least one page should have an internal link. This link should lead to content within the same page and should not be visible until you click the link
  • • A minimum of three pages, all linked together so that the user can always reach any other page from any given page.
  • • Each page must contain at least one image, appropriately sized

I chose to create a website to display the top 3 UGA Basketball Players of all time in my opinion. I created 3 seperate pages for each athlete and linked them together. Each page featured an overview of the player's college and professional careers, a table of statistics (created using custom HTML and CSS), aswell as a few photos.

This first project taught me a lot about my capabilities as a coder. I was proud of the way I was able to learn on the fly and tackle this challenge head-on. This project set the foundation for the rest of the semester.



Project 2

Our second project in NMIX 6010 was the Bootstrap Triptych project. The Project required us to create 3 "pannels" The first panel will focus creating a webpage with Bootstrap components. The second panel will have you recreate that same page using a pre-created theme, and the third panel will ask you to customize that theme so that you have a truly unique webpage.

  • • Panel 1
  • In Panel One, youll create your site from scratch, using only standard Bootstrap components. Your focus is learning how to achieve the layout and look you want using standard components.
  • • Panel 2
  • For Panel Two, youll take your content from Panel One and place it in a theme/template of your choosing. However, in this panel, you may edit only the content (HTML) of your template, not the appearance (CSS).
  • • Panel 3
  • In this panel, youll take what you created in Panel Two and customize every detail just the way you’d like—colors, images, layout, etc. The end result should be a fantastic-looking Bootstrap page that, while bearing a resemblance to Panel Two, looks uniquely yours.

I chose to create a website to display the results of the UGA football seasons (up until the time of the project) You can see the difference between Panel 1, which was created using only HTML and CSS, and Panel 2, which was created using a Bootstrap Template (along with more custom HTML and CSS). The websites are designed to mimic "georgiadogs.com", the The official athletics website for the University of Georgia Bulldogs.

Project 2 was difficult yet rewarding. I felt like I learned a lot about CSS and Bootstrap completing this project. Though Boostrap was initially very difficult for me, I gained some new skills. I was able to further expand on my HTML and CSS skills while gaining more valueable coding experience.



Project 3

Our third project in NMIX 6010 was the WordPress Shop. The goal of this project was to create an online shop using Woocommerce. This project required:

  • • A shop home page
  • • A page listing multiple products (a collection/section/etc.)
  • • Multiple products for sale (around 8-10)
  • • 3-4 of those products fully fleshed out
  • • Use of a variety of blocks
  • • Customization of theme using additional CSS

I decided to mimic the Nike store and recreated their website using WordPress. I was able to create multiple pages, utilize different plug-ins, and set up a semi-functional Woocommerce store.

Some specific skills I learned while completing this project include uploading images and videos, using google fonts, creating posts, creating widgets, and utilizing plug-ins all in WordPress. I was also able to edit the default store theme using custom code to make it more useful for my projects theme. I created a photo gallery of Nike shoes, a post about a new shoe release, and added the most recent Nike commercial to serve as the homepage of the project. The shop I created has 9 different products in it ranging from sweatshirts to jackets to pants. The products all include a price, a short description, and an image.




Final Project

Our final project in NMIX 6010 was to create a website that:

  • • Combines multiple skills and technologies weve learned this semester.
  • • Stretches you 15-20% past what weve already covered / what you know you can accomplish for sure

I chose to create a Speculative Redesign. The assignment was to Choose a site you know well, and build it better. Reorganize the content, add new features, update the visual design, but above all else, make informed choices that actually (or at least arguably) improve the experience of using the site.

For my final project I recreated Cafe Racer's website. Cafe Racer is a food truck / restaurant located on Highway 78 just east of Athens Georgia. The spot is rather popular among college students and locals alike. That being said, their website is rather bland. It is a simple landing page that offers a quick description and a few photos of their food. I decided to redesign their website in a similar fashion as we used for the Bootstrap project earlier this semester. I found a template online, then used my HTML and CSS skills to change the code necessary for my redesign. \I believe the wesbite I created features a more functional user experience and also is more appealing to the eye. I was aiming to keep all of the elements that the original website had, but also wanted to add new features that would really improve the overall website. My redesign gives Cafe Racer's website both an updated configuration and a more professional layout.



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